I'm a people watcher. I love the relationships and interactions between families, friends, pets, etc and my talent lies in capturing that. I love to show people what I see, the beauty in them and their relationships. I capture what's real. I don't see the point of portraits on the wall, however beautiful they are, if there is no meaning or feeling behind them. I want memories to come flooding back and smiles to appear when when they look at them, thinking about the time it was taken. Over posing makes people feel awkward and uncomfortable, so I like to gently coax if needed, but ideally stand back and have clients act as though I'm not even there.
As someone who has suffered with self esteem, I understand the struggles of not wanting to be in front of the lens. Excuses like "I will when I lose some weight," or "My hair/make-up isn't done" are typical excuses I would use to avoid being in photos. But when I'm gone, what will my girls have to remember me? They don't care if I'm not dressed up or still carrying that extra weight I put on in lockdown, they just want some photos with their mum! A professional photographer will know the tricks and angles to make you look and feel your best, and this is what I aim to do.
Call me soppy, but many a time I have shed tears while editing shoots. I want my clients to feel the same when they see them. I want them to love and treasure them for years to come. It's not just about the images, it's the whole experience, which I am to make as enjoyable and stress free as possible.
2020 was my year on beach shoots. With COVID cancelling most of life as we knew it, I had no events so I researched everything I could about taking horses to the beach at Hayling Island and began offering shoots. I would organise absolutely everything I could and send out "what to expect" PDF's - dates, tide times that fit with beach restrictions, directions, parking, locations for different shots/activities on the beach, what to wear, how to prepare, etc. They were a hit! I was completely sold out between May and October! I got very little sleep (sometimes sleeping in the car in the car park) but I loved every minute. And my clients did too. The reviews and feedback I received were amazing. It felt so good to help people tick off a bucket list experience, and I can't wait to do it all again this year.... Minus the COVID of course!